Counselling & Psychotherapy

The term “Therapy” is often used to describe the interchangeable activity of Counselling & Psychotherapy.  Both practices are about developing rapport and trust in a safe interactive relationship.  The principles of the therapeutic relationship are built upon the foundations of listening without judgement, holding positive regard for the uniqueness of each individual and congruence.

Counselling is generally short-term and involves providing support in times of crises along with identifying issues and finding more resourceful ways of coping.   The Counselling process helps people to explore their own values, beliefs and behaviours and to find more resourceful ways of living.

Psychotherapy is generally a longer-term process which identifies the issues underlying the presenting problem.  It’s about making sense out of “why we are the way we are.”  Revisiting the emotional and psychological impacts of earlier experience in the “here and now” of the present can bring great relief and healing.  It has the potential to change how the past influences our daily living, our relationships and the choices we make.

 “Therapy is first about discovering.  It’s about who you are and about what your deepest emotional attitudes are.  It’s not just about who you think you are. It’s not an opinion.  It’s not something you can know with the intellect.  It’s about who you are in the very heart of yourself.  That’s the flavour of psychotherapy, discovering yourself,  discovering your real attitudes toward the most important pieces of your life.”

-Ron Kurtz, Hakomi Founder.

Some benefits from therapy may include:

A better appreciation of capabilities.

Improved confidence and self-esteem.

Understanding and compassion for self.

Finding a felt sense of worth.

An ability to express feelings and emotions.

Improved communication - relational abilities.

More interest and zest for living.

A more resourced sense of self.

Tools to deal with anxiety/stress.

© 2022 Philomena Hunt Psychotherapy